My SHATTERED! Book Tour continues with an exceptional appearance on the thought-provoking radio program, Visionaries and Truthtellers. Esteemed author, documentary filmmaker, and radio personality Anthony Carter is the creator and host. Carter has penned two acclaimed books, “Twice As Good,” and “Why Your Job Is Making You Fat,” which offer winning strategies to overcome life’s obstacles.
The popular Visionaries and Truthtellers podcast shines a bright light on those movers and shakers with compelling stories to share. Carter and I have a lively, insightful, engaging conversation about my new novel, Nothing Can Tear Us Apart—SHATTERED!
SHATTERED! is the continuing saga of Wes (African-American) and ‘Tonio (Latino), who struggle to keep their monogamous relationship alive and thriving. Along the way, the two openly gay/SGL (same-gender-loving) men must confront the aftermath of Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPV/A), mental instability, and Wes’ highly contentious and combustible father/son dynamic. The ultimate question is whether Wes and ‘Tonio can proclaim that “Nothing Can Tear Us Apart???”
The Visionaries and Truthtellers host asks me how the Nothing Can Tear Us Apart series has evolved with SHATTERED! We also discuss my depiction of Wes’ incendiary relationship with his homophobic son and the intensity that runs through the novel.
Additionally, I describe my writer’s process and the need for truth and authenticity in an author’s work. And guess what? There’s so much more!
So, join me on the next stop of the SHATTERED! Tour with a highly enlightening and oh-so episode of Visionaries and Truthtellers! Visit:
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