ournalist. Author. Radio Personality. Intimate Partner Violence & Abuse (IPV/A) Subject Matter Expert (SME), Advocate and Speaker. Voice-over (V/O) Instructor and Talent. Arguably the quintessential Renaissance man, Wyatt O’Brian Evans wears many diverse and colorful hats.
A journalist, Mr. Evans’s work has been featured in print and online media outlets including the Advocate, Huffington Post Washington Blade, Washington Post, Baltimore Gay Life, Bilerico, Gay Male Journal, and BaltimoreOUTloud. Wyatt flexed his entrepreneurial muscles: he founded and is editor-in-chief of and a writer for Wyattevans.com, a leading online news, features, commentary, and entertainment media outlet for the LGBTQ+ Community and its Allies Nearly 100 countries visit Wyattevans.com. You can reach Wyatt across social media– Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
Writing has always been part of Wyatt’s DNA. It flows through his blood; and relentlessly, at that. As a child, he wrote poems, short stories—and even a series of comic books! (He also served as the cartoonist. Marvel, eat your heart out!) This journey led Wyatt to author the groundbreaking and popular Nothing Can Tear Us Apart (NCTUA) series of novels (Gay/SGL, Male to Male). Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPV/A) is an overarching theme. The new installment in the series is entitled SHATTERED!
W yatt simply loves to talk! Before turning a year old, he was speaking in full sentences. So, it’s only natural that he would add radio personality to his toolbox, his skill set, his professional portfolio. With his eponymous podcast WYATT!, Mr. Evans spotlights, examines, and dissects relevant, timely, and critical issues that impact the LGBTQ+ Community.
As a journalist and Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPV/A) Subject Matter Expert (SME), Wyatt has researched, reported on, and written about this demoralizing, destructive, and potentially life-threatening cycle of abuse. Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse is domestic violence and abuse within the LGBTQ+ Community.
A survivor, Wyatt has experienced first-hand the damage and indignity that IPV/A can inflict—along with the stigma attached. And as an IPV/A SME, advocate and LGBTQ Community Chair of the National Trauma Education and Policy Board, Wyatt’s continuing mission—and it is a fervent one–is to shine a bright light on this violent and abusive cycle of behavior through awareness and education. In his national Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse seminars and workshops. Mr. Evans demonstrates that this pressing and urgent societal ill is indeed preventable. Television markets across the country have featured Mr. Evans’s personal and professional journey, including The US Times.
Writing Stats
Being a voice-over (V/O) instructor and talent is a perfect fit for Mr. Evans. As an instructor, he develops students (one-on-one and in groups) into polished, professional voice talents, and trains them to be more communicative and effective in the workplace. And as a V/O talent, Wyatt performs commercial radio spots, narrations, and educational vehicles. Performing radio spots and narrations for former Secretary of State Colin Powell’s “America’s Promise” organization is Mr. Evans’s most cherished accomplishment in the voice-over field.
Wyatt has Bachelor of Arts Degrees in journalism and political science from the George Washington University and currently resides in metro Washington D.C.