Saturday, December 7:

WYATT! Opens Up “The Closet Unlocked!” The special guest is Darius Caffey, founder of The Closet Unlocked, which creates art and produces multimedia assets to assist LGBTQ+ individuals in amplifying their voices and experiences. Caffey gives us the full monty on that social enterprise and Table on Air, a popular TV show that focuses on the accomplishments of the Black LGBTQ+ community. Get ready for an energizing and enlightening WYATT!

Sunday, December 8:

It’s Time To Get Your “Hartstrings” Tugged! Author and WYATTEVANS.COM guest columnist Mr. Hartsel Clifton Shirley pulls back the curtain on another unsung Black Gay/SGL (same-gender-loving) talent! Get ready to be intrigued!

Sunday, December 15:

WYATTEVANS.COM Special Report—Stigma: That Albatross Around Your Neck! Why does that dysfunctional and potentially life-threatening cycle of abuse, Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPV/A), tend to be dramatically underreported? Why? Stigma is the culprit! This special WYATTEVANS.COM does a deep dive.

Wednesday, December 18:

“Kick Those Holiday Blues In The A**!”  Not feeling “it” this holiday season? Well, this WYATTEVANS.COM special report will provide strategies to propel you outta your funk so that you can be all “funsy” and festive!

Saturday, December 21:

It’s The WYATT! XMAS Show, Y’all! My eclectic and (naughtily) enthusiastic panel weighs in on the holiday season…and “all thangs” LGBTQ+! It’s a heady and hilarious edition of WYATT!