The WYATT! podcast does a deep dive into those timely and critical issues that impact Gay/SGL (Same-Gender-Loving) men with a diverse set of LGBTQ movers, shakers, and change agents. WYATT! is absorbing, informative, provocative–and sprinkled with sly, spicy (and sometimes a wee bit) scandalous humor! The fast-growing podcast airs on both YouTube and Spotify.
On Saturday March 30, WYATT! shines the spotlight on a gifted and prolific LGBTQ+ author, Mr. W. D. Foster-Graham, creator of the Christopher Family series of novels! The sterling new edition in the series, a Male2Male rom-com, is titled To Thine Own Self.
We open up the show with Foster-Graham explaining the impetus behind To Thine Own Self, which provides insight into the trajectory of his Christopher Family novel series.
I then provide a five-point review of W. D.’s new work. Here’s part of that analysis: “From the jump, To Thine Own Self immediately grabs you and draws you right in! It is a rich, sophisticated drama; the dramatic tension, emotional conflict, and angst keep you hooked. Foster-Graham has hit a home run.”
Next, the uber-talent describes his intriguing journey as an author, and reveals the most significant person who inspired him while he traveled that path—and why. His response is poignant and profound.
After detailing his writer’s process, W.D. also states that his Christopher Family novels are part of the Quatrefoil Library Collection and the Archie Givens, Sr. Collection of African American Literature, one of the largest collections in the United States. He becomes emotional when sharing how he felt while touring the latter collection, and holding iconic works penned by the legendary trailblazers Sojourner Truth and Phillis Wheatley.
I opine on why I strongly believe that To Thine Own Self presents and continues a necessary conversation within the Gay/SGL (same-gender-loving) community. It is a read that you need to read. You’ll find out precisely what I mean.
Near the end of our sit-down, Foster-Graham dispenses invaluable info for aspiring and established authors alike. And for the hell of it, I drop a surprising question on the author, which elicits an enlightening—and entertaining—answer!
Prepare yourself for another stellar and sublime edition of WYATT! Simply put, this is yet another reason why WYATT! is “Eargasm Fo’ Tha Grown Folks!”
And there ain’t NO doubt about it! Visit:

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