I’m proud to announce that my dynamic, provocative, and compelling new novel, Nothing Can Tear Us Apart—SHATTERED!, is receiving solid and enthusiastic endorsements! Reviewers are stating that SHATTERED! strongly resonates with both LGBTQ+ and heterosexual audiences on many levels.
Insight News has given SHATTERED! five stars! This venerable print and online publication that serves the Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota African American community, features news, business, and the arts.
Nothing Can Tear Us Apart—SHATTERED! is the continuing saga of Wes (African American) and ‘Tonio (Latino), who struggle to keep their monogamous relationship alive and thriving. Along the way, the two openly gay/SGL (same-gender-loving) men must confront the aftermath of Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse (IPV/A), mental instability, and Wes’ highly contentious and combustible father/son dynamic. The ultimate question: can Wes and ‘Tonio proclaim that “Nothing Can Tear Us Apart???”
W D. Foster-Graham, the columnist for Insight News, begins the review of SHATTERED! by writing, “Among his many talents, including that of journalist, columnist, and D.C. radio personality, Wyatt O’Brian Evans has written a series that has the one-two punch of a daytime TV soap opera, in all the good ways. His latest installment in his Nothing Can Tear Us Apart series, SHATTERED!, does not disappoint.”
I want to thank Insight News for giving SHATTERED! such a stellar review! Mr. Foster-Graham ends the column with, “Thank you, Wyatt, for bringing compelling daytime drama to the printed page!” I do my best, W.D.! I truly do. (LOL)
To read the complete Insight News column, visit: https://www.insightnews.com/opinion/editorials/nothing-can-tear-us-apart/article_4d02506c-e245-11ed-b1f8-13a731a5d196.html
And be sure to check out: www.wyattevans.com/shattered/

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