Wyatt’s Man Cave makes its grand return to the awesome LesBe Real Radio Talk and Mixcloud in one helluva H-U-G-E way, tackling a critical societal issue with a very special guest!

         That individual is Mr. HARTSEL C. SHIRLEY:  author, vocalist—and Intimate Partner Violence & Abuse (IPV/A) survivor.  Mr. Shirley reveals just how he overcame his harrowing experience with Intimate Partner Violence & Abuse—and then claimed his Best Life!   

     Then, Hartsel dishes about his captivating latest novel and slammin’ new CD.  All in all, it’s engrossing, riveting and inspiring talk! 

     To hear the uncut show, click on the link:


     And, to hear the complete Wyatt’s Man Cave Library, visit:  www.mixcloud.com/wyatt-obrian-evans/