Eddie Pierce, Jr., founder of Rainbow Room Publishing (RRP), reviews Nothing Can Tear Us Apart—SHATTERED! by Wyatt O’Brian Evans.
“I’m finding Nothing Can Tear Us Apart—SHATTERED! to be quick in pacing, wit-filled, impactful short, and easily digestible chapters. From the visceral, shocking, and gripping search and rescue during a brutal East Coast blizzard in the opening scene SHATTERED! arrests the readers’ attention while seizing their senses.
“This SHATTERED! tale [is] centered around the lives and relationship between the main characters Wesley (Wes), the über successful media mogul, and Antonio (‘Tonio), the enterprising and impeccably equipped employee who secures the former’s body and wins his heart…
“Together, the dynamic duo encounter challenges. Coupled with numerous other commonly explored and universal themes, Evans paints a reality-based picture of real people incurring wounds to their skin and psyche, to which almost anyone can relate.
“After this extensive and highly satisfying read, I realized the need for three things: a smoke, a shot, and a sit down with the author IN THAT ORDER!
“Look forward to our video interview on the upcoming episode of RRP LIVE on YouTube.
“In the interim, purchase and read his novels, learn more about his numerous artistic, journalistic, and advocacy efforts, and contact him directly by visiting www.wyattevans.com. “ Eddie Pierce, Jr., Founder, Rainbow Room Publishing (RRP)

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