Mr. Evans has a winner of a show! He’s an adept, skilled interviewer who has the ability to quickly put his guests at ease. In that way, he can get them to share their innermost thoughts and feelings with the listeners. A perfect example of this is the recent interview with Sampson, the openly gay comedian. It was a riveting eppy of The WOE Show!
–Henry Hawkins, Chicago, Illinois.

First the novel (Nothing Can Tear Us Apart—RAGE!), and now The WOE Show! So, what’s next, Mr. Evans? Looks like it’ll be a ‘Triple Play’ soon! All I can say is, ‘WOE’!
—Julio Hernandez, Washington, D.C.

“I’ve been listening to The WOE Show from the start, and it looks like it’s gonna be a real thrill ride! The guests are from so many different and varied walks of life…you don’t know who Wyatt’s gonna have on next!”
–Raheem Yoba, NYC.

The episode of The WOE Show I like thus far is the one on Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse! Mr. Evans sort of gave a mini-seminar on the issue, and hearing the story of an actual abuse victim made it all so real! Kudos, Mr. Evans! I’m hooked!
–Sterling Williams, Santa Monica, California.

Gawd, The WOE Show is a freakin’ blast! Wyatt gives something to everyone! And his co-host, Ms. Cuntish Cumshot, is a real trip! I’ll be tuning in each week, no doubt!
–Carlos Rivera, Austin, Texas.

I’m a survivor of Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse. Therefore, the recent episode of The WOE Show completely devoted to it was so important! A job exceptionally well done, Wyatt!
–Aden Travers, Philadelphia, PA

I’m a HUGE WOE fan, so you know I’m tuning in to The WOE Show every Sunday night! I see that Wyatt’s a talented, skilled interviewer, who makes the guest and the listener feel right at home! The listener really feels that he/she is sitting right next to Wyatt. And hearing his melodious voice is the ‘icing on the cake’!
–Marcus Dennison, Atlanta, GA.

The WOE Show is a cool blend of hilarity and informative talk!”
–Henry Taylor, D.C.

‘What makes WOE such a good interviewer is that he asks probing questions, doesn’t step on his guest’s words, and just lets them talk!  Job well done, Mr. Evans.”
–Melinda Cramer, NYC. 

 “The WOE Show is my Sunday night destination!”
–Albert Banderas, Dallas, Texas 

 “Wyatt is exceptional at putting his guests at ease and making them feel right at home!  This allows the guest to really share what’s on his mind. In this way, Wyatt gets the most out of him—which gives the listener a great experience!

–Doretha Jackson, Alexandria, Virginia.

 “The IPV/A episode of The WOE Show was so inspiring and educational!  It was like having a mini-seminar!”
Craig Nelson–Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  

 “The WOE Show is one helluva way to end your weekend!  Mos’ definitely.”
–Jayson Madison, Seattle, Washington. 

 “I like that folks from all walks of life are guests on The WOE Show! Particularly the porn stars!”
–Diego Chavez, Miami, Florida. 

 “I really enjoyed when Sampson, the openly gay comic, was on The WOE Show!  I was amazed at how WOE was able to open him up so that he could share his most inner thoughts and feelings with us listeners!”
–Victor L. Peterson, Detroit, Michigan.